Οlive oil production
Olive oil is for Greece not only a source of income but also a cultural value of centuries that is directly linked to history, the local economy and the environment. Approximately 10 million acres are cultivated throughout Greece and according to estimates, our country is the third largest producer after Spain and Italy.
With the main goal of trying to produce desirable – both qualitatively and quantitatively – oil, we must follow the following rules of good agricultural practice:
- First, the oil depends on the cultivation of the olive. Fertilization, watering, protection and pruning are some of the cultivation care where if we follow them in the months of November – December and in fact in the right way they lead us to a remarkable result.
- Secondly, regarding the way of transporting the olive fruits to the oil mill, as soon as the harvest is done, we place the fruits in perforated crates or knitted bags so that they are not stacked, in order to avoid their compression and to achieve their ventilation. . The transfer must be made within 3 days maximum. On hot summer days they should be in a cool and shady place and not be exposed to the sun at all. If the temperature in the bags or crates rises, there will be side effects.
- Third, hygiene rules must be followed carefully. Machinery, tools and in general all areas of the oil mill must be subject to daily cleaning. Also, the temperature of the olive dough should not exceed 20-25 degrees. The kneading of the olive dough from the fins of the blender should be done slowly, while the time of this kneading should be from 30 to 60΄. The temperature of the water for the separation of the olive oil should not exceed 30 degrees.
Also, olive oil should always be stored in stainless steel containers and in a place preferably darker and cleaner, such as a warehouse, with an ideal temperature of around 10-15 degrees.
CNN GREECE. (n.d.). Ελαιόλαδο: Το εθνικό μας προϊόν. Retrieved from CNN GREECE: https://www.cnn.gr/oikonomia/insights/story/66491/elaiolado-to-ethniko-mas-proion
Λιναρδάκη, Γ.;. (20118, 2 14). Τα κρίσιμα στάδια για μια μεγάλη παραγωγή λαδιού ποιότητας. Retrieved from neakriti.gr: https://www.neakriti.gr/article/apopseis/1474991/ta-krisima-stadia-gia-mia-megali-paragwgi-ladioy-poiotitas/
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